Meet the executive leadership team

J. Warren Robicheaux Photo
J. Warren Robicheaux

Chief Executive Officer

Warren Robicheaux, MHA, FACHE


Before joining the district in 2018, 沃伦曾在东德克萨斯医疗中心区域医疗保健系统(ETMC)的几家机构担任高级管理和首席执行官职务。. 他的成就包括建造替代医院和建立新的服务线路,以及领导屡获殊荣的质量项目.

Warren拥有超过十年的医疗保健经验,并获得医疗保健管理委员会认证(FACHE)。. 他获得Texas a的生物医学科学学士学位和医疗保健管理硕士学位&M University in College Station, Texas.

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Bryan L. Prochnow Photo
Bryan L. Prochnow

Chief Financial Officer

Bryan L. Prochnow, MBA


自2000年加入该地区以来,他成功地为新的马塔戈达地区医疗中心医院校园获得了融资, the Doman Freeman Philips Medical Office Building, and the 星际娱乐app Wellness and Rehabilitation Center. Bryan也是Quorum Health Resources年度首席财务官奖的获得者.

Bryan has over 30 years of experience in acute care hospitals, 他的经验范围从大型医院的财务总监到投资者所有和非营利机构的首席财务官. 他获得了内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校(University of Nebraska at Omaha)会计专业工商管理学士学位, and an MBA from Creighton University.

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Rocio Flores Photo
Rocio Flores

Compliance Officer

Rocio Flores, CHC

罗西奥领导马塔戈达县医院区(MCHD)的医疗合规项目。, 在那里,她专注于风险管理和道德政策行政,并担任隐私官.

Originally from El Paso, Texas, Rocio拥有超过16年的首席合规官和HIPAA隐私官经验. Before joining MCHD, she worked as a healthcare compliance consultant.

Rocio拥有凤凰城大学医疗保健服务理学学士学位,并获得医疗保健合规(CHC)认证。. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢跑步,长时间散步,并为费城老鹰队加油.

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Tina Slaughter  Photo
Tina Slaughter

Chief Nursing Officer

Tina Slaughter BSN, RN, CNOR

蒂娜是马塔戈达县的终身居民,在马塔戈达县医院区服务了20多年. Tina毕业于德克萨斯理工大学健康科学中心,是一名持证围手术期护士. 她令人印象深刻的背景包括30多年的护理和外科服务领导.

After serving in an interim role for nearly a year, we were excited to welcome Tina as our CNO in July of 2021.

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Tiffany Foltyn Photo
Tiffany Foltyn

Executive Director, 星际娱乐app Foundation & Community Outreach

Tiffany Foltyn

蒂芙尼领导马塔戈达县医院区(MCHD)的筹款和社区外展工作。. 该基金会是星际娱乐app的慈善机构,致力于建立社区关系并获得资金,以支持星际娱乐app提供高质量和富有同情心的医疗保健. 她在星际线上娱乐国家和地区的关系在代表MCHD方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

As a native of Matagorda County, 蒂芙尼通过她的社区关系和筹款角色回馈社区,她为此感到自豪. 她还负责医院区营销和社区外展工作.

蒂芙尼就读于萨姆休斯顿州立大学,主修社会工作, and has worn many hats within the district over the last 25+ years. She began her career at MCHD as the Executive Assistant to the CEO, 在2014年全职担任基金会执行董事之前,她曾担任患者倡导者和社区关系经理,最近在2023年担任社区外展主任.

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Renee Savage Photo
Renee Savage

Director of Ancillary Services

Renee Savage, RN

蕾妮负责马塔戈达县医院区的辅助服务运营. She also co-chairs Wellness Matagorda County Inc., which is an organization committed to promoting community wellness. 蕾妮就读于沃顿县初级学院,在那里她获得了护理副学士学位, and has nearly 40 years of medical and healthcare administration experience.

Renee自1979年开始担任药房技术员以来一直在医院区工作. 1983年,她以注册护士的身份转到紧急服务和重症护理部门, 她有着杰出的职业生涯,最终在2010年获得了现在的职位.

Renee was instrumental in the grant writing, business planning, and construction project management that yielded the new 星际娱乐app Wellness & Rehabilitation Center. 与她的健康团队一起,团队积极促进星际线上娱乐社区的健康.

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Vanessa Green Photo
Vanessa Green

Director of Human Resources

Vanessa Green

Vanessa leads the implementation of human resource policies, 马塔戈达县医院区的程序和雇员关系. She also focuses on employee recruitment, engagement, and wellbeing.

Vanessa was born and raised in southern California. She is a Navy Veteran (Yokosuka, Japan) and a recipient of the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. 她于2013年搬到Bay City,并于2017年加入MCHD担任人力资源通才,后于2022年接受目前的职位.


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